4.3 dead code 和调试模式

Kesa...大约 3 分钟golang

1. Dead code

In compiler theory, dead code elimination (also known as DCE, dead code removal, dead code stripping, or dead code strip) is a compiler optimization to remove code which does not affect the program results.

Removing such code has several benefits: it shrinks program size, an important consideration in some contexts, and it allows the running program to avoid executing irrelevant operations, which reduces its running time.

死码消除(dead code elimination, DCE)是一种编译器优化技术,用处是在编译阶段去掉对程序运行结果没有任何影响的代码。


1.1 使用常量提升性能

定义全局变量 a,b

func max(num1, num2 int) int {
	if num1 > num2 {
		return num1
	return num2

var a, b = 10, 20

func main() {
	if max(a, b) == a {

a,b 改为常量:

func max(num1, num2 int) int {
	if num1 > num2 {
		return num1
	return num2

const a, b = 10, 20

func main() {
	if max(a, b) == a {


$ ls -lh |grep -E 'main_'
1.4M  main_const
1.8M  main_var

可以看到改成常量之后,体积减小了 0.4 M。


$ go build -gcflags "-m" main.go
./main.go:5:6: can inline max
./main.go:15:8: inlining call to max
./main.go:16:14: inlining call to fmt.Println
./main.go:16:14: ... argument does not escape
./main.go:16:15: a escapes to heap


func main() {
	var result int
	if a > b {
		result = a
	} else {
		result = b
	if result == a {

若此时a, b 为常量,则在编译期即可计算:

func main() {
	var result int
	if 10 > 20 {
		result = 10
	} else {
		result = 20
	if result == 10 {
// 10 > 20 恒为 false
func main() {}
	if 20 == 10 {
// 20 == 10 恒为 false
func main() {}

可以看到,若全局变量a,b不是常量而是变量,编译器无法得知变量的值是否能够改变,无法消除 Dead Code。

1.2 可推断的局部变量


func main() {
	var a, b = 10, 20
	if max(a, b) == a {
$ ls -lh | grep -E "main_"                                    
 1.4M  main_const
 1.4M  main_locvar_infer

可以看出触发了Dead code 消除。


func main() {
	var a, b = 10, 20
	go func() {
		b, a = a, b
	if max(a, b) == a {
$ ls -lh | grep -E "main_"                                    
1.4M main_const
1.8M main_locvar_goroutine
1.4M main_locvar_infer
1.8M main_var


2. 调试(Debug)模式

在源代码中,定义全局常量 debug,值设置为 false,在需要增加调试代码的地方,使用条件语句 if debug 包裹,例:

const debug = false

func main() {
	if debug {
		log.Println("debug mode is enabled")

如果是正常编译,常量 debug 始终等于 false,调试语句在编译过程中会被消除,不会影响最终的二进制大小,也不会对运行效率产生任何影响。

在进行单元测试或者是简单的集成测试时,希望能够执行一些额外的操作,例如打印日志,或者是修改变量的值。提交代码时,再将 debug 修改为 false,开发过程中增加的额外的调试代码在编译时会被消除,不会对正式版本产生任何的影响。

Golang 的标准库中有不少使用这种模式的代码:

go/src [ grep -nr "const debug = false"                                                                                                                                                              ] 8:31 下午
cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser.go:15:const debug = false
cmd/compile/internal/types2/initorder.go:25:    const debug = false
cmd/compile/internal/types2/check.go:22:const debug = false // leave on during development
cmd/fix/main.go:47:const debug = false // display incorrectly reformatted source and exit
cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/cgocall/cgocall.go:24:const debug = false
cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/lostcancel/lostcancel.go:35:const debug = false
cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/normalize.go:17:const debug = false
cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/facts/facts.go:53:const debug = false
cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/read.go:673:        const debug = false
net/http/transport_test.go:2250:        const debug = false
go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go:26:const debug = false
go/types/initorder.go:25:       const debug = false
go/types/check.go:23:const debug = false // leave on during development
internal/zstd/block.go:12:const debug = false

2.1 条件编译

使用build tags可以实现条件编译,此时无需修改代码:

// debug.go, 使用 debug

// +build debug

package main

const debug = true

// release.go 不启用 debug

// +build !debug

package main

const debug = false

// main.go 
package main 

import "log"

func main() {
	if debug {
		log.Println("debug mode is enabled")
$ go build -tags debug -o ./main_debug 
$ go build -o ./main_no_debug
$ ./main_no_debug  
$ ./main_debug
debug mode is enabled

(备注:// +buildv1.18后建议使用//go:build,两种方式都要留出一个空白行)


  1. Dead code elimination - wikipediaopen in new window
  2. https://geektutu.com/post/hpg-dead-code-elimination.htmlopen in new window
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