9.1 堆基础

Kesa...大约 1 分钟algorithm

In computer scienceopen in new window, a heap is a specialized treeopen in new window-based data structureopen in new window that satisfies the heap property: In a max heap, for any given nodeopen in new window C, if P is a parent node of C, then the key (the value) of P is greater than or equal to the key of C. In a min heap, the key of P is less than or equal to the key of C. The node at the "top" of the heap (with no parents) is called the root node.

堆是一种特殊的树形结构, 通常用完全二叉树实现; 堆分为两类:

  • 最大堆: 节点大于等于其子节点
  • 最小堆: 节点小于等于其子节点

因为完全二叉树可以用数组表示, 那么堆也可以.

对于长度为n的数组N0,...,Ni1,Ni,Ni+1,...,Nn1N_0, ..., N_{i-1}, N_i, N_{i+1}, ..., N_{n-1} , 节点NiN_i :

  • 父节点为: Ni12N_{\frac{i-1}{2}}, 下标为 i12\frac{i-1}{2}
  • 左右子节点分别为: N2i+1,N2i+2N_{2i+1}, N_{2i+2}

堆的操作, 以最大堆为例:

  • 插入:
    1. 从上至下, 从左至右, 找到第一个空缺位置插入新节点
    2. 新节点大于父节点, 则交换, 直到小于等于父节点为止
  • 删除堆顶节点:
    1. 将最下层最右边的节点移动至堆顶
    2. 根节点大于子节点, 和较大的子节点交换, 直到小于等于子节点为止

插入和删除需要交换节点, 最多交换深度h次, 那么时间复杂度为O(logn)


  1. 剑指Offer(专项突破版)open in new window
  2. Heapopen in new window wiki
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